5/9/2016 | |
This competition provides an opportunity for young children to compete in a friendly enjoyable atmosphere. Please enter your child only if you feel he or she is ready and happy to participate, to ensure that it will be a positive experience. All swimmers will receive a participation medal. For the Width races (across the pool) we will give participation medals only. For the 25m (length) races we will present additional medals for 1st,2nd and 3rd place in each age group. (if there is more than one heat in any event, the fastest overall times will determine the place in the age group) VENUE; WEST ISLAND SCHOOL DATE; SATURDAY JUNE 18th TIME; 6.00pm-7.45pm ENTRY FEE; $200 per swimmer ELIGIBILITY; The gala is open to all swimmers enrolled in HWI classes, providing they are able to confidently swim the events of their age – If children are 6yrs or over they need to be able to complete a length of the pool. It is also open to those in HWI lessons as well as AMC, HKCC and DB Junior swim team, Club Training squad and Bronze squads. It is not open to those in the more competitive squads (SILVER, GOLD AND PERFORMANCE SQUADS) ALL PROCEEDS THIS YEAR WILL BE DONATED TO THE HONG KONG DOLPHIN CONSERVATION SOCIETY – we think this worthy local charity will be popular with all and of particular relevance to young swimmers! PLEASE see information about the charity via this website; The Entry form should be given back to your coach with the Entry fee as soon as possible – PLEASE PUT CASH INTO A SEALED ENVELOPE. You will receive confirmation of your entry later, and a full programme will be posted on the website. PLEASE ASK YOUR COACH, IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S ABILITY TO COMPETE. MANY THANKS! EVENTS WILL BE RUN AS FOLLOWS; | |
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